
Agency Title Type Amount Status PI/Co-PI
TXU Analysis and Characterization of Corrosion Products of Steam Generators and Feed Water Systems of CPSES
(Jan. 2004 to December 2004)
Research $28K Funded PI
TXU Analysis and Characterization of Corrosion Products of Steam Generators and Feed Water Systems of CPSES
(Jan. 2003 to December 2003)
Research $20K Funded PI
TXU Analysis and Characterization of Corrosion Products of Steam Generators and Feed Water Systems of CPSES
(April 2002 to December 2002)
Research $90K Funded PI
ASHRAE Design and Development of Modules used in Thermalfluid Sciences Laboratory Course
(June 2002 to May 2003)
Education $5K Funded PI
ASHRAE Design and Development of Modules used in Thermalfluid Sciences Laboratory Course
(June 2004 to May 2005)
Education $5K Funded PI
UNT EDS/XRF purchase
(June 2002)
Equipment $35K Funded PI
UNT FTIR purchase
(May 2004)
Equipment $20K Funded PI
CMI Plastics Upgrade of Thermoforming Unit
(August 2002)
Equipment $10K Funded CO-PI
ASHRAE Laboratory Evaluation of Ozone as a Scale Inhibitor for Use in Cooling Systems
Research $60K Funded PI
ASTA* Rust Transformer Development
Research $47.7K Funded PI

* Arkansas Science and Technology Authority